Sunday, August 31, 2008

First DNC Recap

Hello friends (a little late, but hopefully not a dollar short after this trip),

First off, my apologies for the screw up in blogging abilities. How silly of me to expect our hotel accommodations would be up to par.

I will start out by saying this event has given me a political spirit I have never felt before. I can hardly wait to get back to the Cities next week and start campaigning; although I am thankful to have some well deserved relaxation with my mom and step-dad in Grand Junction, CO right now.

Speaking of well deserved relaxation, I hope Valarie and Amy (my official DNC PCA's) are recovering this weekend. We each had a great time despite being over tired. I could not have done this without you; my thanks to you both.

Instead of recapping what happened each day, I think it is better to give you a flavor of the main experiences.

Today I will write about - The Floor.

Being on the floor each night was both exhilarating and beyond frustrating. The Minnesota Delegation was positioned to the front right of the stage (at the Pepsi Center). We had rows 1-23 which meant we started on the floor and ended in the middle of the section. The first seats were separated from the floor by a large step with no other access and we were in the main pathway of traffic.

So what did I do, I plopped myself in front of my Delegation and made people walk around me! Well, as you can imagine that did not last long. I had everyone from Secret Service (SS), DNCC security, to my own MN DFL Executive Director telling me I was "in the way." I was forced to move to the part of the floor that was the entrance, so I was "by" the delegation, but definitely did not feel "part" of the delegation. I could somewhat still talk to my fellow delegates, but not easily.

By 6:00 the floor was packed. All I saw were asses, and I literally mean asses. I have to give kudos to the Secret Service guy by me; he tried diligently to keep the crowd moving so I could at least see the big screens. People liked to linger by us though; we were right in back of CNN, so getting pictures of Wolf Blitzer, James Carville and others was too tempting. I did make one SS guy crack a smile by telling him I would help him out if he would get me a blunt object. As frustrated as I was I tried to keep a sense of humor.

One DNCC person offered for me to go up above, but I thought, no- I earned my way here as fair as anyone else, I refuse to be put up above away from my delegation. I am glad I stuck it out that first night. Right as Teddy Kennedy was coming on stage I heard my friend Claudia say, "Kelsey, I am tired of watching you get stepped on, let's go!" She grabbed Valarie and next thing I know we are pushing our way up the center aisle, and soon I found myself sitting 5 rows back (with the folks from IL) from the podium! Claudia is one Latina DFLer you don't want to mess with!

I'll talk speeches later. It was so exciting to be sitting with Illinois during the final speeches, they are a proud and gracious bunch, as least the ones by me. I thought for sure their whip, a tough state congresswoman from Springfield, was going to toss me out as soon as I owned up I was with MN, but I quickly changed the subject by telling her I work for the state on employment and disability issues which got us talking about our respective DD Councils. We bonded and I got to stay and I had a blast.

The second night the press caught on to the wheelchair trick of sitting in the center aisle, heaven for bid we mess up their camera angle! So no one was allowed in. My PCA, Valarie, found out if anyone with a disability wanted to move, someone from the delegation had to use the "bat phone" and contact the DNCC.

Do you think our fearless DFL leaders did anything? No, Barrett, another delegate friend from Buffalo got on the horn. I lucked out again, the DNCC staff arranged for me to sit with Florida and before I knew it R.T. Ryback (who did want to help but admittedly too late) said I can at least I can pave your way. Mayor Ryback introduced me as a loaner delegate to Florida and there I was, sitting right next to the stage to the left of the podium amidst all the photographers. I got some great shots of Hillary.

Wednesday I was on my own with no PCA. As soon as I voted I decided I better not push my luck thinking I would get up there a third time, so I took the upper seat. It was not so bad, I was still with delegates, Cali this time, and could easily see Billy boy and Biden.

Thursday was so much fun and so emotional you would never guess I was a Lutheran MN who doesn't like to show my feelings. I not only sat in line with my fellow delegates, I cheered and chanted with them, danced with them, cried with them, and felt pure political hope with them. MN was by far the rowdiest delegation, even the mayor; he may have knobby knees but the man can dance. Congressman Keith Ellison got into it too, he'd walk by and do the Michelle-Barack knuckle punch. By the end of Obama's speech, with the fireworks/confetti and all, I could have not have asked for a better DNC experience.

Ok, you guys may be bored, but I had a great time reminiscing! I'll write more later, I promise!

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